Ars Selektive, 2002, Cultural Center Točka, Skopje (photo from the inside)
Ars Selektive, 2002, Cultural Center Točka, Skopje
Ars Selektive, 2003, International Festival of New Art FONA, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka
2002, interaction, Cultural Center Točka, Skopje, part of the exhibition project IN SITU, curated by Nada Peševa
Ars Selektive is an action that challenges the notions of social acceptance and rejection in the context of art performance. The audience, as an essential element of this work, is directly faced with a selection process and thus pushed into a direct experience provoked by it (acceptance = positive; rejection = negative).
The selection of the audience was granted to the OPA Security Guard whose criteria for selecting the ‘accepted’ visitors was based on the individual appearance – those who had knickers, Bermuda shorts or skirt over the knees were invited in, those who did not (majority of the art establishment among others) were invited to wait outside. Their experience to be ‘rejected’ from entering the gallery was animated by a sound installation that involved a recording of a text regarding the project and a lollipop given to them by an OPA Steward.
The audience that has been denied an entry into the gallery becomes an organized social crowd of ‘outsiders’ listening to a recording and imagining the action inside.
Collaborators: Sašo Talevski (sound installation text and voice), Toni Makarovski (Security Guard), Ismet Ramičević (Steward)
Audio from the “opening” in Skopje
Audio from the “opening” in Rijeka (voice: Branko Cerovac, Sašo Talevski)
Further reading:
Талевски, Сашо. 2002. Перформанс на групата ОПА – Арс селективе, Македонско дело, 12 јули 2002
Талевски, Сашо. 2003. Ликовните критичари и уметничката сцена во Македонија – Кино Напредок, Македонско дело, 25 април 2003
Krikšić, Karolina. 2003. Performeri privukli posjetitelje u galerije, Novi List, Croatia, 2 August 2003