According to the 2016 Regional Waste Management Plan (Skopje Region), the closure of non-standard (legal) and illegal landfills is essential in minimizing the environmental impacts. The risks of this type of waste disposal include: air pollution due to biogas discharges, pollution of surface and ground water bodies, and health and safety risks for people and wildlife.
While the state does have a vision for dealing with non-standard municipal and illegal landfills, the planned activities are still far from being implemented. Pending a systemic solution, this project focuses on illegal dumping. OPA proposes a model for the development of a strategy against illegal dumping, but also as a kind of pressure and communication through the public sphere.
The project relies on artistic tools such as visual communication, tactical media and communication in the public sphere, followed by participation and collaboration. In its practical segment, the project consists of the creation of a sign and the development of a system for recording, monitoring and distribution of the material recorded. In its projected segment, the project includes cooperation with the state authorities, local governments, organizations, activists and citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia.
Thanks to to MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) and Jehona Spahiu Janchevska.
Further reading:
Landscape of Anxiety: Cultural and Artistic Encounter with the Environmental Crisis and Climate Changes, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje (9-31.03.2023)