One More Frustrated Artist, 2011, calendar (offset print)
2011, Open Graphic Art Studio – Museum of The City of Skopje (exhibition view)
2009-2011, calendar (offset print, 55х44cm), digital prints
The project One More Frustrated Artist is based on the new aesthetic tendency that is being established in Macedonia nowadays. A visual manifestation of a particular phenomenon, of a local, yet massive psychological and social change. Using exactly this, already accepted trend, OPA tries to reach different types of audience and convey its personal feelings and attitude towards the cultural situation in Macedonia. The calendar distributed as a gift enables an intimate communication between the authors and the recipient about their shared social responsibility.
The prototype of the calendar was created in 2009 and exhibited at the exhibition Skopje is not a thriller!, held in the Cultural Center CK, Skopje. In 2011 the calendar (adapted for 2012) was printed in 300 copies and distributed among art institutions and prominent figures of the Macedonian art scene, in the form of personal meetings and dialogs.
Further reading:
One More Frustrated Artist exhibition catalogue (Macedonian/English in .pdf)
“Уште еден фрустриран уметник.” Во Скопје не е трилер!, групна изложба, Културен центар ЦК, Скопје
Франговска, Ана. 2023. Технологија, политика и екологија у македонској савременој уметности као одраз трансдисциплинарности и трансмедијалности (докторска дисертација), Универзитет Сингидунум у Београду – Факултет за медије и комуникације (download the dissertation in .pdf)