OPA Foundation was created in 2016 with the aim of developing utilitarian and constructive art practices as an alternative to critical ones. Its focus is contribution to the community while exploring methods and strategies that would be both applicable and effective in the given social, political and local cultural context.
So far, several modules and approaches have been tried, of which the ZaUm Archive project has been developed the most successfully. It represents an open online archive of secondary materials related to modern and contemporary Macedonian art.
OPA Fondacija is not an official institutional body, but an artistic strategy. Alternative ways of building its sustainability have also been tested.
Further reading:
Вилиќ, Небојша. 2017. Афирмација или хибридизација на вредностите, Фејсбук проект
Создадена онлајн-архива на современата ликовна уметност, Нова Македонија, 13.12.2018
Blackwood, Jon. 2020. An Alloy Made from Art and Activism, in North Macedonia. In Steinbock, E., Leven, B. and de Valck, M. (eds.) Art and activism in the age of systemic crisis: aesthetic resilience. Abingdon: Routledge (download the chapter in .pdf)
Frangovska, Ana. 2020. Transdisciplinarity and transmediality as a possible model of protecting the moving cultural heritage in On the Cross-Path of Cultural Ideas: Macedonia, The Balkans, Southeast Europe – Heritage, Management, Resources, (ed. Elizabeta Dimitrova & Irena Тeodora Vesevska), Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy (in .pdf)